Property |
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- A kōan (公案) kóan; kínai: 公案, pinjin: kung-an; koreaiul: 공안 (kong'an); egy olyan történet, párbeszéd, kérdés vagy nyilatkozat, amelyet a zen buddhista gyakorlatokban használtak, hogy előidézzék „a nagy kétséget”, és teszteljék vele a tanítványok fejlődését a zen gyakorlatok során. (hu)
- A kōan (公案) kóan; kínai: 公案, pinjin: kung-an; koreaiul: 공안 (kong'an); egy olyan történet, párbeszéd, kérdés vagy nyilatkozat, amelyet a zen buddhista gyakorlatokban használtak, hogy előidézzék „a nagy kétséget”, és teszteljék vele a tanítványok fejlődését a zen gyakorlatok során. (hu)
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- 27216 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- 20131211234447 (xsd:decimal)
- 20160616231529 (xsd:decimal)
- 20161103130835 (xsd:decimal)
- June 2005 (hu)
- Steven (hu)
- John (hu)
- Michel (hu)
- Barry (hu)
- Morten (hu)
- Manfred (hu)
- Stuart (hu)
- AMA (hu)
- Philip (hu)
- T. (hu)
- James Ishmael (hu)
- Sallie B. (hu)
- Paul L. (hu)
- Thomas P. (hu)
- William M. (hu)
- Dale S. (hu)
- Elaine (hu)
- John Daido (hu)
- Katsuki (hu)
- Maura (hu)
- Myodo (hu)
- Perle (hu)
- Robert Baker (hu)
- Ruth Fuller (hu)
- T. Griffith (hu)
- Victor Sogen (hu)
- Yoel (hu)
- Zhongfeng (hu)
- Steven (hu)
- John (hu)
- Michel (hu)
- Barry (hu)
- Morten (hu)
- Manfred (hu)
- Stuart (hu)
- AMA (hu)
- Philip (hu)
- T. (hu)
- James Ishmael (hu)
- Sallie B. (hu)
- Paul L. (hu)
- Thomas P. (hu)
- William M. (hu)
- Dale S. (hu)
- Elaine (hu)
- John Daido (hu)
- Katsuki (hu)
- Maura (hu)
- Myodo (hu)
- Perle (hu)
- Robert Baker (hu)
- Ruth Fuller (hu)
- T. Griffith (hu)
- Victor Sogen (hu)
- Yoel (hu)
- Zhongfeng (hu)
- 0 (xsd:integer)
- 978 (xsd:integer)
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- Journal of the American Academy of Religion (hu)
- Journal of the American Academy of Religion (hu)
- Ford (hu)
- Heine (hu)
- Hoffmann (hu)
- Mohr (hu)
- Wright (hu)
- Aitken (hu)
- Hagen (hu)
- King (hu)
- McRae (hu)
- O'Halloran (hu)
- Swanson (hu)
- Sasaki (hu)
- Schlütter (hu)
- Stephenson (hu)
- Kasulis (hu)
- Besserman (hu)
- Bodiford (hu)
- Foulk (hu)
- Griffith Foulk (hu)
- Hori (hu)
- Lachs (hu)
- Loori (hu)
- MacInnes (hu)
- Mingben (hu)
- Samy (hu)
- Satomi (hu)
- Sekida (hu)
- Shibayama (hu)
- Steger (hu)
- Yampolski (hu)
- Ford (hu)
- Heine (hu)
- Hoffmann (hu)
- Mohr (hu)
- Wright (hu)
- Aitken (hu)
- Hagen (hu)
- King (hu)
- McRae (hu)
- O'Halloran (hu)
- Swanson (hu)
- Sasaki (hu)
- Schlütter (hu)
- Stephenson (hu)
- Kasulis (hu)
- Besserman (hu)
- Bodiford (hu)
- Foulk (hu)
- Griffith Foulk (hu)
- Hori (hu)
- Lachs (hu)
- Loori (hu)
- MacInnes (hu)
- Mingben (hu)
- Samy (hu)
- Satomi (hu)
- Sekida (hu)
- Shibayama (hu)
- Steger (hu)
- Yampolski (hu)
- Nyogen Senzaki and Ruth Stout McCandless (hu)
- Yoel Hoffmann (hu)
- Nyogen Senzaki and Ruth Stout McCandless (hu)
- Yoel Hoffmann (hu)
| |
- Boston (hu)
- New York (hu)
- Oxford (hu)
- Delhi (hu)
- Honolulu (hu)
- New York / Tokyo (hu)
- New York, Tokyo (hu)
- Somerville, MA (hu)
- Vermont/Tokyo (hu)
- Boston (hu)
- New York (hu)
- Oxford (hu)
- Delhi (hu)
- Honolulu (hu)
- New York / Tokyo (hu)
- New York, Tokyo (hu)
- Somerville, MA (hu)
- Vermont/Tokyo (hu)
- Oxford University Press (hu)
- Wisdom Publications (hu)
- University of Hawai'i Press (hu)
- Motilal Banarsidass (hu)
- University of Hawaii Press (hu)
- State University of New York Press (hu)
- Shambhala Publications (hu)
- Weatherhill (hu)
- The University Press Group Ltd (hu)
- Charles E. Tuttle (hu)
- Harvest/HBJ (hu)
- North Point Press/Farrar (hu)
- Oxford University Press (hu)
- Wisdom Publications (hu)
- University of Hawai'i Press (hu)
- Motilal Banarsidass (hu)
- University of Hawaii Press (hu)
- State University of New York Press (hu)
- Shambhala Publications (hu)
- Weatherhill (hu)
- The University Press Group Ltd (hu)
- Charles E. Tuttle (hu)
- Harvest/HBJ (hu)
- North Point Press/Farrar (hu)
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- How Zen became Zen. The Dispute over Enlightenment and the Formation of Chan Buddhism in Song-Dynasty China (hu)
- Ch'an Spirituality. In: Buddhist Spirituality. Later China, Korea, Japan and the Modern World; edited by Takeuchi Yoshinori (hu)
- Seeing Through Zen (hu)
- Koan and Kensho in the Rinzai Zen Curriculum. In: Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright : "The Koan. Texts and Contexts in Zen Buddhism (hu)
- Hakuin Ekaku and the Modern Koan System. In: John Daido Loori, Thomas Yuho Kirchner , Sitting With Koans: Essential Writings on Zen Koan Introspection (hu)
- The Steps of Koan Practice. In: John Daido Loori, Thomas Yuho Kirchner , Sitting With Koans: Essential Writings on Zen Koan Introspection (hu)
- Hua-t'ou: A Method of Zen Meditation (hu)
- Introduction. In: The Iron Flute. 100 Zen Kōans (hu)
- Koan, Hua-t’ou, and Kensho (hu)
- Zen Master Who?: A Guide to the People And Stories of Zen (hu)
- Why They Say Zen Is Not Buddhism. Recent Japanese Critiques of Buddha-Nature. In: Pruning the Bodhi Tree. The Storm over Critical Buddhism. Jamie Hubbard and Paul L. Swanson, eds. (hu)
- Sōtō Zen in Medieval Japan (hu)
- The Gateless Barrier: The Wu-Men Kuan (hu)
- The Koan as Ritual Performance (hu)
- The Sound of the One Hand (hu)
- Two Arrows Meeting in Mid Air. The Zen Kōan (hu)
- Zen Radicals, Rebels, and Reformers (hu)
- Zen Skin, Zen Marrow (hu)
- Zen Training. Methods and Philosophy (hu)
- The Form and Function of Koan Literature. A Historical Overview. In: "The Kōan. Texts and contexts in Zen Buddhism", Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright, eds. (hu)
- The Gateless Barrier. Zen comments on the Mumonkan. Translated from Chinese and Japanese into English by Sumiko Kudo. (hu)
- Sitting with koans. Essential writings on the practice of Zen koan introspection (hu)
- Chan. A Historical Sketch. In: Buddhist Spirituality. Later China, Korea, Japan and the Modern World; edited by Takeuchi Yoshinori (hu)
- "Before the Empty Eon" versus "A Dog Has No Buddha-Nature". Kung-an Use in the Ts'ao-tung Tradition and Ta-hui's Kung-an Introspection Ch'an. In: "The Koan. Texts and Contexts in Zen Buddhism". Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright, eds. (hu)
- Journey in Search of the Way: The Spiritual Autobiography of Satomi Myodo (hu)
- Pure Heart, Enlightened Mind: The Life and Letters of an Irish Zen Saint (hu)
- Koan practice. In: "Sitting with Koans". Ed. John Daido Loori (hu)
- Introduction. In: Isshu Miura and Ruth Fuller Sasaki , "The Zen Kōan" (hu)
- Zen Sand: The Book of Capping Phrases for Kōan Practice (hu)
- The Flowing Bridge: Guidance on Beginning Zen Koans (hu)
- The definition of a koan. In: "Sitting with koans. Essential writings on the practice of Zen koan introspection" (hu)
- Two Zen Classics. Mumonkan, The Gateless Gate. Hekiganroku, The Blue Cliff Records. Translated with commentaries by Katsuki Sekida (hu)
- Koan History. Transformative Language in Chinese Buddhist Thought. In: "The Koan. Texts and Contexts in Zen Buddhism". Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright, eds. (hu)
- Emerging from Nonduality. Kōan Practice in the Rinzai tradition since Hakuin. In: "The Kōan. Texts and contexts in Zen Buddhism", Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright, eds. (hu)
- The form and function of kōan literature. A historical overview. In: Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright , The Kōan. Texts and contexts in Zen Buddhism (hu)
- How Zen became Zen. The Dispute over Enlightenment and the Formation of Chan Buddhism in Song-Dynasty China (hu)
- Ch'an Spirituality. In: Buddhist Spirituality. Later China, Korea, Japan and the Modern World; edited by Takeuchi Yoshinori (hu)
- Seeing Through Zen (hu)
- Koan and Kensho in the Rinzai Zen Curriculum. In: Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright : "The Koan. Texts and Contexts in Zen Buddhism (hu)
- Hakuin Ekaku and the Modern Koan System. In: John Daido Loori, Thomas Yuho Kirchner , Sitting With Koans: Essential Writings on Zen Koan Introspection (hu)
- The Steps of Koan Practice. In: John Daido Loori, Thomas Yuho Kirchner , Sitting With Koans: Essential Writings on Zen Koan Introspection (hu)
- Hua-t'ou: A Method of Zen Meditation (hu)
- Introduction. In: The Iron Flute. 100 Zen Kōans (hu)
- Koan, Hua-t’ou, and Kensho (hu)
- Zen Master Who?: A Guide to the People And Stories of Zen (hu)
- Why They Say Zen Is Not Buddhism. Recent Japanese Critiques of Buddha-Nature. In: Pruning the Bodhi Tree. The Storm over Critical Buddhism. Jamie Hubbard and Paul L. Swanson, eds. (hu)
- Sōtō Zen in Medieval Japan (hu)
- The Gateless Barrier: The Wu-Men Kuan (hu)
- The Koan as Ritual Performance (hu)
- The Sound of the One Hand (hu)
- Two Arrows Meeting in Mid Air. The Zen Kōan (hu)
- Zen Radicals, Rebels, and Reformers (hu)
- Zen Skin, Zen Marrow (hu)
- Zen Training. Methods and Philosophy (hu)
- The Form and Function of Koan Literature. A Historical Overview. In: "The Kōan. Texts and contexts in Zen Buddhism", Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright, eds. (hu)
- The Gateless Barrier. Zen comments on the Mumonkan. Translated from Chinese and Japanese into English by Sumiko Kudo. (hu)
- Sitting with koans. Essential writings on the practice of Zen koan introspection (hu)
- Chan. A Historical Sketch. In: Buddhist Spirituality. Later China, Korea, Japan and the Modern World; edited by Takeuchi Yoshinori (hu)
- "Before the Empty Eon" versus "A Dog Has No Buddha-Nature". Kung-an Use in the Ts'ao-tung Tradition and Ta-hui's Kung-an Introspection Ch'an. In: "The Koan. Texts and Contexts in Zen Buddhism". Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright, eds. (hu)
- Journey in Search of the Way: The Spiritual Autobiography of Satomi Myodo (hu)
- Pure Heart, Enlightened Mind: The Life and Letters of an Irish Zen Saint (hu)
- Koan practice. In: "Sitting with Koans". Ed. John Daido Loori (hu)
- Introduction. In: Isshu Miura and Ruth Fuller Sasaki , "The Zen Kōan" (hu)
- Zen Sand: The Book of Capping Phrases for Kōan Practice (hu)
- The Flowing Bridge: Guidance on Beginning Zen Koans (hu)
- The definition of a koan. In: "Sitting with koans. Essential writings on the practice of Zen koan introspection" (hu)
- Two Zen Classics. Mumonkan, The Gateless Gate. Hekiganroku, The Blue Cliff Records. Translated with commentaries by Katsuki Sekida (hu)
- Koan History. Transformative Language in Chinese Buddhist Thought. In: "The Koan. Texts and Contexts in Zen Buddhism". Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright, eds. (hu)
- Emerging from Nonduality. Kōan Practice in the Rinzai tradition since Hakuin. In: "The Kōan. Texts and contexts in Zen Buddhism", Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright, eds. (hu)
- The form and function of kōan literature. A historical overview. In: Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright , The Kōan. Texts and contexts in Zen Buddhism (hu)
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- 1965 (xsd:integer)
- 1974 (xsd:integer)
- 1975 (xsd:integer)
- 1985 (xsd:integer)
- 1991 (xsd:integer)
- 1993 (xsd:integer)
- 1994 (xsd:integer)
- 1996 (xsd:integer)
- 1997 (xsd:integer)
- 2000 (xsd:integer)
- 2003 (xsd:integer)
- 2005 (xsd:integer)
- 2006 (xsd:integer)
- 2007 (xsd:integer)
- 2008 (xsd:integer)
- 2011 (xsd:integer)
- 2012 (xsd:integer)
- n.d. (hu)
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